Underfloor Heating as become a viable method of space heating due to significant advances in technology and the increase in raw material costs of copper and steel used in radiator systems. The advantages of are – Clears rooms of ineffective, impractical, unsightly wall-hung radiators, saves you from 15% to 50% on heating bills, Carries virtually no maintenance costs, prevents dust gathering behind radiators and circulating around the room – ideal for sufferers of asthma or other respiratory issues, eliminates dust mites from carpets, underfloor heat also provides 70% radiating heat, offering a more comfortable climate than radiators, the thermal mass of an underfloor heating systems provides warmth for longer after switching off than would traditional radiators, evaporates dangerous water spillages quickly from bathroom and kitchen tiles, underfloor heating runs quietly, with none of the creaks and groans of old copper pipes and Can be used with almost any flooring type including stone, laminate, hardwood, lino, and carpet (below 1.5 Tog). Please visit Taps4Less.com to see our underfloor heating range.