Bathrooms > Bathroom Suites > Modern Bathroom Suites

Browse our modern bathroom suites for an outstanding collection of complete bathroom suites and find the right modern bathroom for you. Whether you're looking for the main family bathroom, en-suite or cloakroom, we have the modern suite for you. Creating your perfect bathroom is easy, whether large or small, our collection of stylish bathroom furniture will have something to suit.

Your bathroom can add elegance and luxury to your home. With a range of modern and contemporary style bathroom suites from top ceramics manufacturers, you can be sure of our quality, and build your dream bathroom.

Our four piece modern suites include toilet/WC and cistern as well as a basin and pedestal. Our complete suites also include a matching bath, or a shower for a corner suite. Alternatively, why not indulge yourself with a whirlpool bath? A jacuzzi style whirlpool bath with air and water jets is the most desirable modern bathroom luxury.

Finish your modern bathroom suite with modern or minimalist taps. We offer a huge range of bathroom taps. Our ranges include bath and basin taps, and bath shower mixer taps and showers.

We supply the full range of products from Shires and Saninova as well as taps from Hudson Reed, Ultra, Deva and more. If you can't find exactly what you want here then please give us a call!

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What customers are saying about Taps4Less

I have had my tap for 2 years and I think it is the best thing I have ever bought, my husband installed it easily and we have not had any problems at all. great product and service. - R Margetts
Excellent service. We search high and low for a Britta Tap which we could get within 24hrs, Taps for Less was the only company who wouls offer this service and it was also by far the cheepest. We would use them again, very good customer care and helpful staff. - Mark Baldwin